Hair is dry and astringent after dyeing

The hair after dyeing hair is dry and astringent, be liquid medicine very bad? Or is it the hairdresser's skill? In fact, the main reasons for dryness come from these three aspects:

(1) Excessive effect of hair dye potion, or use too frequently, is the main cause of hair dryness;

(2) technology is not home or non-standard operation, is also the cause of dry hair, hair dye potion is not the main incentive;

③ When dyeing hair, the mixture of liquid medicine and dioxygen is not appropriate, it will also lead to hair damage, dry hair rash hair astringent phenomenon, in fact, the human factor is greater than the damage of hair dye potion itself.

Below will give you a detailed explanation, you will know the correct use of hair dye potion and the importance of standard operation, in the future when hair dye to avoid risks, reduce hair dye damage to hair quality, hair will not be dry


The hair dye itself is safe

As long as it is qualified to produce hair dye products, its safety is tested by the relevant departments, can rest assured to use, safe use.

Under standard operation, hair colorants can also damage hair, but this damage is within a relatively safe range. As long as the operation rules are not violated and the frequency of hair dyeing is well controlled, the damage caused by hair dyeing is bearable.

Hair is slightly dry, these are normal phenomena. After all, the process of dyeing hair is a complex chemical process. The hair undergoes bleaching, oxidation and coloring, which can take away some of the protein, and the hair scales may also be damaged, resulting in a lack of closure and a feeling of drying.

As long as you do a good job of post-dyeing hair care, hair will soon restore luster. The feeling of dry hair impetuous, only when just dyed the hair can appear, as long as the use of hair protection element when washing hair, won't dry.


Damage to hair is associated with overuse

Whenever there is dryness, mostly with excessive hair dye related. Normally, if you dye your hair two or three times a year, your hair will not be particularly dry and frizzy. Only frequently dye hair, or choose some special hair color, need to bleach hair fade and other complex operation of hair quality, will appear dry hair impetuous.

This kind of situation lead to dry hair, also can only say that caused by excessive use, hair dye in normal use, will not lead to a dry, even some common hair dye, as long as you control no more than two times a year in hair color, also won't lead to dry hair, so dry and hair dye relationship is not is not very big.

Although some low-quality hair dyes can cause dryness, the dryness will soon recover if you control the frequency of use. Only the excessive use of hair color products will lead to irreversible damage to hair, and dryness is inevitable.

Therefore, I personally believe that frequent hair dyeing and non-standard operation must have a great relationship with dry hair, followed by the quality of hair dyeing products.


Technology also contributes to dry hair

Again good hair is qualitative, again advanced product, need a person to operate. However, many popular hair colors cannot be dyed by conventional methods because they require bleaching the melanin in the hair to achieve the desired hair color. And bleaching this process, itself is very hurt hair, hair quality is good, if the hair itself is not good, so dyed not dry it is strange.

Products will hurt hair, but as long as the control of the formula or use frequency, the damage will not be too big, but will not appear dry feeling. No matter how advanced hair colorants are, if they are not used well, they will also lead to hair damage. Therefore, the factors of technical operation are very large. The non-standard technology or the lack of control over hair color products are also the main reasons for hair damage.

Especially the tide color of very fire now, these colors are tall lightness high purity, want to catch this kind of color, the natural pigment in the hair floats out. Some hair is not clean, it is necessary to repeatedly bleach, and the bleaching powder alkaline bleaching hair is very strong, no matter how good hair is not repeated operation.

So tide color is good-looking, but very hurt hair, often dyed tide color people, hair quality is mostly dry, after washing hair do not use hair conditioner basically comb not open, and easy to appear knot winding phenomenon, this is the main performance of hair damage. So, are you saying it's the hair dye products, or is it human?

The technology is good, the product is good, can reduce this kind of damage, but also is not a little not hurt. Technology is bad, again good product is useless also, want you to operate bad only, what formula allocates has a problem, hair pledges can be damaged very much, this is useless query.

The above is the main reason for hair dryness after dyeing. There are also product factors, but mainly caused by excessive use and human factors.Read more at: formal dresses australia | short formal dresses australia

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Hair is dry and astringent after dyeing Hair is dry and astringent after dyeing Reviewed by Neha Malik on August 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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