How to Enhance your Natural Eyelashes

The eyes are the first thing that you notice in person. From ages, people associate eyes with beauty. In ancient times people use to make the khol from Galene, the Khol stone. They ground the stone and apply it in the eyes. Not only women and also men used castor oil to nourish their eyelashes. So, the tradition of keeping the eyes beautiful and attractive is not a new thing. Today you will find mascara enrich with vitamin E packed beautifully in mascara boxes. These mascaras claim to enhance the beauty of the eyelashes. Most of the people think the individual with thick and long eyelashes are beautiful and attractive. So spending money on eye products is not a bad idea. But do you know an interesting fact about eyelashes and eyebrow? They reflect your emotions. There is not a single person on the earth who does not want to look beautiful.


Whenever you visit a departmental store, you will notice that besides custom mascara boxes, lashes Extention are also present on the cosmetic counter display. The combination of mascara and the artificial lashes boost your entire look. Those who are looking for some permanent solution they visit the salon for lashes extensions. Sometimes these eyelashes extension is not your cup of tea because of two reasons. Firstly it can cause allergic reactions and secondly it cost you an arm. Why don't you enhance your eyelashes by using mascara? Let's find out some tips and tricks about it.

What are the ingredients of mascara?

Do you know that both females and males in Egypt used to wear mascara? They wore it because it protects them from Evil. So, with time, it becomes the fashion statement. With little changes in its formula, they apply on their lashes to enhance its beauty.


When you see the custom mascara printed boxes, under their ingredients, you will find Pigments, oils, and beeswax. So, when you brush it on the eyelashes, the bee wax dries and clings on lashes, it makes them look thicker. These are the essential ingredient of any mascara, but with little variation in its formula, brands are selling it for specific purposes. When you look at mascara cosmetic boxes, words like Voluminous, Lengthen, fuller, etc. are prints on it. What are they, and how will it affect the lashes last find out.

Is the word Big or lengthening mentioned in the Mascara Boxes?

Most of the people have short lashes, and they use mascara whose packaging mentions the word lengthen. Here is one thing that you need to understand that mascara never helps in the growth of the lashes. It only gives the appearance of it. When you study the ingredient mention on the custom mascara boxes, you will find all ingredients the same except one, and that is nylon or rayon fibers. These fibers cling to the eyelashes. When you apply to lengthen mascaras on the lashes, these fibers attach to the lashes root upward to a tip. It gives the appearance of long and beautiful lashes. On the packing, you have also seen the term like curl + length. Some mascara also contains curling characteristics. 


Note: do read the instructions of application printed on the cosmetic boxes because never apply more than two coats of lengthening mascara.

Look for 2 in 1 Mascara

You have seen words like 2 in 1 printed on various cosmetic packaging. For instance, the company writes the term 2 in 1 on the cream box because it offers both the purpose of sunscreen and moisturizers. So is the case with mascaras. In single mascara, you can get both primer and mascara. This 2 in 1 is also one of the types of lengthening mascaras. The brand uses various means to enhance the beauty of the eye, and it is one of them. It only gives longer lashes appearance by using 2 in 1 techniques. First, you need to apply the clear primer coat on the lashes then apply the black or any massacre on it.

Natural Mascara and Tips

You don't want to use nylon fiber on your lashes, and then here is another solution for you. Many brands are offering a natural alternative to it. This mascara is consists of 100% natural ingredients like Black tea, cocoa fibers, and berry pigments. So make it a habit it read the component printed on the mascara boxes.


Tips: Remember, application techniques play an essential role when it comes to mascara application. Place the wand brush of the mascara at the root of the lashes after, in rotating motion, move upward toward tips. It will only enhance the length bust also makes your eyes look bigger and attractive.

Embrace your lashes

The packaging box manufacturers print the number of benefits on the custom cosmetic boxes. Yes, these products are helpful to you to some extent but never change your genetic makeup. Learn to embrace yourself. Do pick the mascara from cosmetic display units to look beautiful but never depend on it.

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How to Enhance your Natural Eyelashes How to Enhance your Natural Eyelashes Reviewed by Neha Malik on March 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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