How To Choose Nordic Walking Winter Clothing

Nordic walking is a beautiful and healthy sport because it is practised outdoors.

Winter does not mean giving up the practice of this sport, all you need to do is wear the most suitable clothing.

Well, now let's move on to the first part of the article and see how to shelter from the cold during winter training.

Choose Technical And Tight-fitting Clothing

There are several garments made of synthetic material (such as polyamide, polyester, etc.) that allow good breathability by combining a high level of comfort with a high water repellency property. The use of technical and close-fitting garments favours the removal of perspiration and helps to reduce the amount of air between the skin and the fabric.

On the contrary, cotton absorbs sweat and cools very quickly, causing an unpleasant sensation.

Do Not Overdo It With Clothing

Remember that after the first few minutes of training, the heat generated by the body combined with the use of technical clothing will be sufficient to maintain body temperature. In fact, you have to try to keep your body warm but at the same time encourage perspiration... Cleverwander advises don't cover yourself too much!

Protect Your Head, Hands And Feet

The extremities are the most exposed parts of the body that cool faster.

To protect your hands, we recommend using thick Nordic walking gloves (see examples later).

Wear tight-fitting winter socks to avoid blisters.

Regarding the choice of shoes, we have written an article: Go read it.

Finally, remember that more than 30% of the heat is lost right through the head. That's why it's better to use a thermal cap or the appropriate running headbands.

Choose The Best Hours

During the winter there is a considerable difference in temperature between the various hours of the day. If possible, try to train during the hottest hours as late in the morning or early afternoon. Besides benefiting from the slightly higher temperature, the light conditions are better so you are more visible and walking and safer. If this is not possible, choose your training area carefully and use accessories (LEDs, flashlights, etc.) and clothing with reflectors that make you more visible.

Do Not Get Wet

Change clothes as soon as you finish training. In fact, at this moment you still feel the sensation of heat but your body temperature drops rapidly within minutes, especially if you're sweating.

Do Not Fear The Cold

The mind definitely influences our body and our feelings. The best way to react is to consider the cold as a normal unfavorable climatic situation.

Let's now move on to the second part of the article and see in detail which is the most suitable winter clothing for Nordic walking.

If chosen carefully, the clothing will protect you from the cold and wind, making your walks comfortable even when the mercury column approaches 0.

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How To Choose Nordic Walking Winter Clothing How To Choose Nordic Walking Winter Clothing Reviewed by Neha Malik on March 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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