Cultural Significance of wearing ethnic outfits- Nauvari sarees

It is believed from the early Vedic ages, that the attire we wear has an impact on us. And for a long period in history people have conducted them with this notion. But the current cultural trend is based on the western culture. This is not surprising as the fashion trend in our society is determined by movies. And it becomes the prime reason why woman of all age groups are inclined towards western attires. Nowadays more and several women prefer nauvari sarees which are influenced by western dressing traditions. Though these are easy to wear and comfortable but can never match the significance of traditional and ethical outfits. The prevalent attire makes a woman interrogative, impulsive and inclined towards materialistic pleasures that the outer world offers. This results in attire that attracts attention from opposites and it harms the society at large.

Positive effects of attire

It has been witnessed many times that any attire influences the conduct of the person who is wearing the attire. It can have a positive or negative impact on the thought process of the person who is wearing a dress. This is why it is always believed that this attire make a woman virtuous and pious. This variety of nauvari Sarees is more traditional than a six-yard saree. In the current scenario use of this kind of attire is only restricted to women in villages. But is it not important that we do not forget the importance and significance of our tradition. Yes, it is as this is the most important attribute that a generation passes on to the next.  


Origin and History

Nine Yards has a historical background. In the historic times women used to help the male warriors. During the time of war, either from their kingdom or at the war place they played an important role. History is testimonial to the women of many empires who had portrayed their abilities and ability by supporting their fellow male warriors during the times of war. To facilitate easy movement during work or war, women introduced this dress which resembled male trouser. And then it became the traditional attire for women. When women wear this, it reminds them of their competency in the male-dominated society.

Cultural Importance

It is stunning attire that is mostly worn by the brides for their wedding ceremonies. It is draped in a traditional style that it is believed that it makes the brides look gorgeous and suave. Over the years these Nauvari sarees have unrelenting their magnificence in spite of the varying fashion trends and culture. From jute to Cotton and from cotton textiles to Silks, these have seen all. They have witnessed the change in patterns, colors, and embroidery. The embroidery has seen a subtle soberness. This is because it is restricted to only some sections of the cloth. 

Perceived benefits of wearing Nauvari Saree

The historians and Vedic literature can enumerate several benefits of wearing this Saree. And in this article, we are going to mentions the positive effects that people still feel.


Getting Divine Knowledge

There are two prime methods of wearing this particular dress. One is how the Brahmins wear it and the other is how common women wear it. When a Brahmin lady wears this saree then it takes shape of a crouch from waist to bottom from the front portion of the Saree. This quite resembles the dressing sense of many goddesses as per ancient literature and tying it above the waist instantly makes women happy and lets her feel stronger. This shaped front portion of the dress feels like imbibing ShriKrushnatattva. When this saree is worn simply then one can feel the savior energy and experience of divine energy and environment. This is mostly worn in the time of festival and it makes the environment divine and pious. In this style, the front portion is not conch shaped hence it looks like other sarees Lakshmidevitattva is spilled in the environment.

It affects the mind and intellect

If you truly try to understand the effect this attire can have on your mind then it becomes important to try this notion. If you try dresses of different origins then you would come to understand the quantum of peace and solace you achieve while wearing this saree. While wearing this sort of saree one can experience that the restlessness in the mind is reduced and the thought process about a subject or any topic has become well structured. In addition to that one can exercise the optimum level of self-control over her thoughts and actions. One feels some divine support and with that the person becomes humble and there is no space left forego. And all this results in a decline in negative energy in the body and awakening of conscience and intellect.


Imbibe positive energies

 It is very important and fruitful for women to wear this attire while worshipping god and goddess. When women worship in this attire it activates panchprana – a combination of five vital energies in a body. And hence the whole body of the devotee is charged with Chaitanya. When women wear this kind of saree in a ritual then she attains self-control and free from any distressing thought. Thus it makes her Sattvik and pious.

Significance of Pallu

While wearing this Nauvari sarees a woman takes care of two sides of the pallu. One is at the front that protects the body from the fire principle and the vibrations. And the other side of the pallu that is at the back helps to combat the vibrations from the Earth. Therefore the scientific significance of wearing this attire cannot be

It is a proven fact that science has progressed in leaps and bounds in the last few decades. Today the future of human beings is largely governed by the advancement in technology and science. But as humans, we should not forget the pivotal role that the ritual and tradition play in our society. Hence it is important to realize the significance and positive effects of wearing traditional attire like Nauvari Sarees as this cultural significance sets us apart from our counterparts.

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Cultural Significance of wearing ethnic outfits- Nauvari sarees Cultural Significance of wearing ethnic outfits- Nauvari sarees Reviewed by Neha Malik on February 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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