How to Design Your Room in Eco-Tech Style

High tech and minimalism have become trends in interior design. Their convenience, simplicity of the lines and functionality are appreciated by people of different lifestyles and ages. They’ve really come to stay but today their strict and somehow soulless mood is softened by a fusion that perfectly illustrates the duality of modern trends.

Eco-tech looks like high tech in its simplicity, minimalistic approach and convenience but its thing is natural materials only. Modern people live in a world full of technology but they care about nature and want to be closer to it. This view is reflected in the eco-tech style in interior design. People don’t want to surround themselves with plastic anymore. 

Also worth to be mentioned is the fact that natural materials are recyclable, contain no harmful substances and are good for physical and mental health. There are several drawbacks too. Being eco isn’t cheap, due to the higher cost of natural materials. In addition, they need more care and hygiene to always look good. But if you are all about eco-living, this probably won’t stop you.

What Is Eco-Tech in Interior?

Eco-tech means natural simplicity and colors close to those you see around when you go outside your city. Wood, clay, stone, glass wall partitions and all plant-based are top materials to use. Natural shades of plants, trees, soil, and water are appreciated. No bold colors, no striking details or complicated patterns. Everything should be as simple as our Mother Nature is. 

Below are the ideas on designing your room, or entire flat in eco-tech style. These are not strict rules to follow and you can use all your creativity to make it look like a room of your dreams. By the way, reused stuff is eco-friendly too, so you are free to experiment with smart ideas of recycling old things.


It should be soft and gentle, like a natural one. Spotlights are a good idea. Choose LED-lamps because they are economic and eco-friendlier than the usual ones. If there will be chandeliers, they should be of simple shapes and made of natural materials.


Living plants in your flat are the most natural things possible. You should take care of them though. If you are too busy for this and don’t like growing plants at all, you can choose stabilized moss. It is alive but doesn’t require any special care and looks stylish.

Glass combinations

If you combine raw unprocessed wood with all its texture and natural shape and perfectly smooth, transparent and shiny glass, this will look wonderful. The very essence of eco-tech is a combination of totally different concepts, and you can go as far as your fantasy leads you.

Big details

A room in eco-tech style shouldn’t look hoarded. If you want some decorations, they’d better be few and big rather than many and small. Your eco-tech room or flat should give you a feeling of space and freedom with no boundaries and things that associate with bustle and consumerism won’t create an atmosphere you need to feel closer to nature.

Eco-tech is all about freedom, peace in your mind and rejection of unnecessary stuff that contaminates your space. Feel it and reflect it in your home.

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How to Design Your Room in Eco-Tech Style How to Design Your Room in Eco-Tech Style Reviewed by Neha Malik on September 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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