Hair Care in the Summer – 8 Basic Rules You Need to Follow

Summer is a long-awaited time for all girls, you can finally take off your jackets and enjoy the hot sun, but for hair, this period is considered stress. Let's see what is detrimental to our hair in the summer.


  1. The sun - It dehydrates hair, as a result, it becomes drier, more fragile and brittle. Our hair has a complex structure; it contains protein, as well as various amino acids, vitamins and pigments. The sun emits several types of ultraviolet rays that are detrimental to our hair. Beta rays can destroy the hair pigment, this applies to both natural pigment and coloured hair, and Alpha rays destroy the hair cuticle, so the hair becomes dull, dry, and loses its elasticity.


  1. Water and wind - The most frequent spores are caused by sea water and what does it bring to the hair - benefit or harm? Sea salt adversely affects the hair, salt molecules penetrate into the hair structure and slowly destroy it. But you can not only talk about the dangers of sea water, for example, but seawater is also very useful for the scalp because it contains many minerals and trace elements that can strengthen the bulbs. However, the hair itself is greatly affected by the salt water, the hot sun and the warm wind. If we talk about freshwater bodies and rivers, their influence on the hair cannot be called positive. They contain dirt, bacteria and microbes, which also adversely affect our hair.


Summer Hair Care - Basic Rules

To keep your hair healthy and beautiful in summer, they need special care. If you follow all the rules below, you can protect your hair to the maximum and forget about such problems as dryness, breakage, lack of lustre and section.

  1. Shampooing

In the summer, the hair and scalp are contaminated much faster; this contributes to street dust, sweat, styling products, etc. Therefore, washing becomes a fairly frequent procedure that needs to be approached wisely.


  • First, you need to find the right hair shampoo. It should be lightweight, suitable for frequent use and for any type of hair. The composition should contain moisturizing ingredients (jojoba oil, herbal extracts, essential oils, panthenol, vitamins, biotin, etc.) and silicone oils that help retain moisture in the hair (dimethicone, cyclodemethicone).


  • Secondly, the water should not be warm, not hot, and rinse the hair better with cool or even cold water, it will close the hair scales and they will be smooth.


  • Third, you need to wash your hair as it gets dirty, even if it happens every day or every other day. Since sebum and dirt that accumulate on the scalp clog pores, oxygen does not flow to the bulbs and they weaken.


  1. Masks and balms

The use of a mask or balm for hair after washing is required. For the summer period, it is better to choose a moisturizing conditioner and a nourishing mask. Conditioner to use every time after washing and the mask is enough 1 time per week. Also, pay attention to cosmetics with UV protective filters. They create a thin layer on the hair that protects the hair from the sun.


  1. Use indelible funds

Such means are indispensable in the hot period; it can be sprays, creams, oils, serums, etc. Such funds are applied to dry or wet hair after washing; they moisturize and protect the hair, while not making them heavier. You can also choose funds marked Sun or SPF.


  1. Cover your hair from the sun

Summer is the time to try to add something new to your look and pay attention to hats, handkerchiefs, and caps. Of course, all this is necessary in order to protect the hair. If you are not long in the sun, then this rule can be neglected, observing the above points. However, if you are going to spend, for example, on the beach all day or are going on vacation to hot countries, the use of a headdress is a must! They will not only protect your hair, but also you from sunstroke.


  1. Do not forget about oil

You can use the usual cosmetic oils; they are natural and will perform not only a protective function but also restoring. The basic rule is to choose light oils (for example, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, olive oil). Such oils will not weight the hair and contribute to pollution.



There are several ways to use oils in the summer:


  • Applying oil to hair before washing. It is necessary to apply the existing oil on the hair backing from the roots of 3-5 cm for 20 minutes. Then wash the head in the usual way. Oil creates a protective film on the hair, so the hair does not dry out during washing and is protected from the aggressive effects of shampoo.


  • Putting oil on the tips instead of balm. This method is suitable for very dry hair, after washing on slightly damp or dry hair, apply a little oil with your fingers. Oil should be applied only on the tips and in small quantities.


  • Putting oil before bathing in the sea. This method is suitable for girls who go on vacation to hot countries and spend a lot of time on the beach and in the water. Before you go to the beach, apply oil on your hair along the entire length, retreating from the roots of 5-10 cm. Perhaps the hair will not look as fresh as after washing, but they will be reliably protected from salt water.


  1. Rinse hair with herbs.

Herbs contain a lot of useful components, oils, vitamins and microelements. Rinsing hair after washing with a decoction of herbs, an indispensable procedure for the warm season. For rinsing the hair, you can use the following herbs: linden flowers, chamomile etc.


  1. Reduce the use of styling devices.

Here we will talk about curling irons, straightening irons and hair dryer. From the first two devices should be completely abandoned, as they cause harm to hair in any period, and especially in summer. Using a hair dryer as much as possible can be reduced, does not use too hot air. If refusal of devices is impossible for you, then always use thermal protective equipment.


  1. Do not forget about nourishing hair from the inside.

In the summer, do not allow dehydration, as this will affect the hair, drink enough liquid. Provide your body with vitamins, include fruits and vegetables in your diet, and take special vitamin complexes. With very dry hair, you can take flaxseed oil and 1 tbsp. l every day.


By following these basic rules, you can protect your hair and even improve their appearance!

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Hair Care in the Summer – 8 Basic Rules You Need to Follow Hair Care in the Summer – 8 Basic Rules You Need to Follow Reviewed by Neha Malik on April 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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