Relationship between Marketing and Fashion Segment

Scope of Marketing in Fashion Industry has tremendously emerged over a number of years. Variety of creative implementations is seen around every corner in any kind of industry segment. Top organizations have ample budget to broaden their marketing activities at a larger scale. But the key is to communicate the ultimate quality message to the target audience in a very cost effectiveness approach. Twenty first century is known as “Era of Digitalization” where everything is transforming from traditional marketing activities towards modern social promotional campaigns to grab the viewer’s attention. Aim is not only to transfer the big idea to the consumers but to create interest among them to develop a two way interaction though queries, feedbacks, suggestions in the comments box.

Gone are those days in which monotonous campaigns used to take place through online physical activities resulting into high investment, time consumption and energy wastage. Latest methodologies are executed at a larger scale which a touch of creativity to engage into live experiences. Branding and marketing team align the digital strategies together to ultimately remain on the same page in terms of planning, organizing, forecasting, designing and other factors.

Radical evolutions are progressing with the passage of the time. Both Western and Eastern clothing bring some innovativeness within the existing designs according to the user’s choices. They are later on promoted through different means of communication such as Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube so on) which is the best these days to be used to reach mass market within no time. It eradicates the feeling of diversity and stereotypes between individuals. Concept of equality is the focus.

Hence, there is a strong positive relationship between Marketing and Fashion Segment. There are several highlights which can prove this statement. Marketing department sit along with the designers work together to be intact with the firm’s goals.

Key things which need to be considered while promoting a particular fashion oriented product are:

  • Responsive attitude received by the target market
  • Big Professional Idea representing the Company’s image
  • Value Additional Services
  • Correct social tools for marketing

Areas of improvement are not anymore a difficult task. Open ended feedbacks are welcome by the general public where organizations can easily rectify their mistakes upon identification. 

Paradigm Changes of Online Marketing and Designing

As the generation with the passage of time is enhancing their knowledge skills at a very early age, their ability to grasp and bring in new inventions to the market is also enriching the economic growth. Exceptions in the complex designing and further marketing it are tremendously leading to progressive growth. With a small amount of investment, ROI seems to be achieved within 2-3 years if executed properly.

Fashion industry is something that can change overnight. Distinction is very important otherwise every firm will be known for the same thing. Competition is so rigid that ideas can be copied immediately as well. A lot of hindrances can occur at a certain level. It is all on the institution to maintain their standards and policies despite of the complex situations to survive in the market. It is all about “Shaping the future to retain for a longer run”.

Virtual Branding Techniques

Earlier, any message which had to be passed on to the consumers was either through Magazines, brochures or other POS material. Modern digital platforms have made lives way too easier both for the clients and the businesses. Convenience factor is incorporated. Videos regarding for example beauty tips are now provided through V-Logging. A five minutes video clip for the interested females gives clarity of how to apply makeup from home. Product placements are mentioned within the clip.  Huge advertising about fashion media is a sense of identity description to the youth especially as they are more into the technological devices. Confidence levels boosts up by using such products.

Proper Fashion SEO mechanism

Fashion brands like for example Loreal, Maybelline, Dolce and Gabbana so on are on top. Ever wondered why? It is not only because of their promotional campaigns run digitally but proper usage of keywords that whenever any new idea is introduced in the market and upon searching, it appears to be ranked on the first page of Google. This is because of the exact SEO ad words placed within the context developed.


Overall a conclusive synopsis is derived under the following points

  • Evolution of the marketing techniques has been adopted over a decade in the fashion industry. 21st century is marked as “Digitalization” or “Modernization”
  • In the age of too much complexity, concept of eliminating diversity tends to be highlighted widely. Standardized styling designs are prepared to create uniformity in every religion and cast just because of the most common marketing approach “Online Social Mediums”.
  • Ease access is reached out anytime around the corner to get any kind of fashion advice through proper keywords, content management and videos. Appealing Infographics create interest among the viewers. Eye catching words are essential to grab the attention.
  • Consistent research needs to be carried out through different research methodologies as market can bring about a change in no seconds either due to competition or economic crisis. Every aspect has to be counted.
  • Startups need to invest a minimal budget instead of opting all at once to check the reactions of the customers. Positive leads to motivation and further investments.
  • Top fashion companies like Ted Baker’s, Nike, Chanel, Lacoste and Swoon have made the best use of Instagram, Facebook and YouTube to involve the consumers to take part in multiple social campaigns.
  • One wrong mistake can end up to disaster or shut down of the business for good creating a bad image in the mind of the consumers.

Therefore power of online marketing is becoming way too strong. Let’s see where the future is leading to but for sure it will be a booming one.  How one grasps the idea quickly and implements it to make the business grow in order to achieve the goals and objectives in short time period. Keep flourishing through uniqueness every now and then.



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Relationship between Marketing and Fashion Segment Relationship between Marketing and Fashion Segment Reviewed by Neha Malik on March 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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