Revealing the Drug Crisis in The Fashion Industry and How It All Started

Whenever we hear about fashion, we all think about luxury, glamour, runway shows, flashlights, and beauty in all its forms displayed in the most stylish way. However, behind all the glamorous and bright spotlights there is an unrevealed ugliness which seems to be an increasing crisis in the fashion industry which deforms everything that we know about the perfect smiles on the faces of the most beautiful models and the flawless life which they seem to be living. Drug culture in fashion industry seems to be a like a crack in the beautifully painted faces of the models from the most famous fashion magazine and runways shows due to the fact that it hides the true challenges which models face when they are trying to hold onto their careers and maintain their perfect beauty. Here is the truth about the relationship which fashion industry has with the substance abuse and how it affects the models working in the modeling business.

The relationship between drugs and the fashion industry

The context in which the drug culture in the fashion industry has developed is extremely complex. Apart from the necessity of models to look amazing in every moment of the day no matter what they might be going through in their personal lives, the challenging competition in the beauty world, and the tiring working days which sometimes exceed twelve hours, there is always a great pressure which sits on the shoulders of the young models who are making great efforts to walk their way on the runway to success. All the pressure and the stress felt due to the tough task of pretending to live the best life and the inability to stop and rest when they are feeling tired make the mental wellbeing of the models working in the fashion industry be severely affected which makes them look for ways to be able to deal with the emotional and physical pain which they feel. Moreover, the demand for having a perfect weight makes them skip important meals in order to maintain their perfect body. Unfortunately, even if they are extremely dangerous and noxious, drugs are known and used as a refuge from the responsibilities, tasks, or traumas which seem too difficult to deal with so people take drugs to forget and numb the emotional pain which they are feeling. The drug culture in the fashion industry has a direct connection with the increasing demands of the luxury fashion brands which ask for their models to dedicate entirely to their careers and never complain about it. Therefore, in the recent years, there have been numerous campaigns which have pleaded for spreading awareness of the misconception regarding the beauty patterns among the individuals from all over the world in order to erase the demanding requirements of the fashion industry for the models to have the perfect body and face which puts a great pressure on them and leads them to the slippery path of drug abuse.

Famous models who have struggled with drug addiction

No matter how perfect their life might seem to be like when we see them on TV fashion shows or on the covers of the most famous fashion magazines, there have been numerous famous models from the fashion industry who have admitted to have struggled with drug addiction due to the tough competition, the pressure of looking perfectly all the time, and the tiring working hours which took all their strength and energy to be able to continue their walk on the runways show with a smile on their faces. Even if their jobs look easy and glamorous from the outside, the competitive fashion industry have led the following models to start using drugs and alcohol as a casual habit to give them the necessary energy and developed into a dangerous addiction which can only be overcome with the help of professional addiction advisor who can offer the necessary support and help during the recovery process.

Paris Hilton

The American celebrity-socialite and model has become one of the most controversial topics in the fashion industry due to the fact that she was charged with cocaine and marijuana possession. Even if Paris Hilton denied to admit that the cocaine was hers at the beginning of her trial, she later admitted that it was hers and she was ordered to complete an intensive rehabilitation program by the court.

Naomi Campbell

The British-born supermodel is another famous model from the fashion industry who had severe drug abuse problems. She has been a cocaine and alcohol addict for several years due to both personal reasons such as the murder of her friend, the famous fashion designer Gianni Versace, and due to the high demands of the competitive fashion industry which would make her incredibly tired and stressed.

Kate Moss

Another incredibly famous model who has been dealing with substance abuse is Kate Moss. Photographs of Kate Moss taking drugs have had an incredibly negative effect on her career when her contracts with luxury brands like Dior and Channel were threatened. Even if Kate Moss has denied having used drugs at the beginning, she did check into a treatment rehabilitation center to get specialized help from the most professional addiction counsellors in the same year with the revealing of her drug addiction.


Modeling can be a brutal business in which both women and men models are trying to find the best ways to achieve successful careers in this industry.  Certainly, when looking at the final products of the fashion industry such as perfect photoshoots and stunning runways shows is hard to see the truth which is not so pretty as what we see on the cover of the fashion magazines. Maybe it is time for the fashion industry to completely change the way beauty is perceived and stop asking models to be less humane than any other individual. Both celebrities and ordinary people have to deal with adult problems, emotional pain, and tiredness, so the fashion industry should change their attitude about the price they ask models to pay for their beauty.  

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Revealing the Drug Crisis in The Fashion Industry and How It All Started Revealing the Drug Crisis in The Fashion Industry and How It All Started Reviewed by Neha Malik on February 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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