6 Ways to Improve Your Memory

A special training can help you to preserve your memory in a good condition and improve its performance. Follow 6 simple ways given below to keep it sharp. Write your best coursework on this custom coursework writing service about your ideas improvement memory.

  1. Always learn something new

At any age, you have topics of interest. Learn new information and current developments about them. Groups allow us to communicate with other people who share the same interests, so join one, if possible. Every source of information, be it books,  lectures or TV programs, is important for your continuous education that exercises your brain and benefits to your memory.

  1. Develop your family and social relationships

People have inherent sociability. It has a positive influence on your brain. According to the studies, our brain and heart benefit a lot from good relationships with other people. By contrast, the social isolation can damage many body systems. In this regard, you can become a member of an organization that is consistent with your interests or to volunteer and provide needed assistance to communities.

  1. Play mind games

The more you train the features of your brain, the longer your memory stays in shape. Such games as chess, puzzles, backgammon,  and other board games have an entertainment function promoting a better sociability. Moreover, they arouse intellectual capabilities and contribute to improving memory.

  1. Develop new habits

When you get yourself involved in doing something in a completely new way, you trigger new forces to reach the objective you have set. Change the route you follow from house to college/work , consider rearranging the furniture in your room, or train yourself to mouse with the other hand. Think of similar original ideas that increase your brain power.

  1. Do physical exercises

Physical exercises stimulate blood circulation. Regular exercises (even such a simple one as fast walking) improve oxygen delivery to all the organs of the body, including the brain. Choose the kind of exercises that fit you most and spend 20 minutes a day going in for sport. This way, you will strengthen not only your body systems but your memory as well.

  1. Eat the right food

What you eat every day, has a substantial effect on the condition and performance of your memory. Studies, conducted in recent decades, have proved that certain foods improve the function of neural circuits in the brain which are responsible for memory. All of these foods are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that benefit the nervous system. If you want to get more benefits from vitamins, eat more fruits and vegetables instead of taking vitamin supplements. Food that contains vitamins has other useful nutrients which improve the work of vitamins.

Here’s a list of the foods that can improve your memory:

  • Green/leafy vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach
  • Fruit and fruit juice
  • All kinds of berries
  • Nuts
  • Fatty fish: mackerel, salmon, sardines,
  • Olive other vegetable oils.


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6 Ways to Improve Your Memory 6 Ways to Improve Your Memory Reviewed by Neha Malik on February 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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