The Friendship Theory & Fashion world Go Hand in Hand

The fashion world is a competitive place. Cutthroat at times, but because it is “every man or woman for themselves” you are your own weakest link, and strongest feature. As such, friendships and marriages can suffer because of the vanity involved in such a difficult profession. I say difficult because I know first hand the realities that happen behind the scenes. From the viewers perspective, it looks like a high flying lifestyle of non-stop glamour, parties, lavish destination and million dollar clothes. The truth is it's a big struggle to get there and in the course of time, marriages and friendships fail.

I am here today to present a teachable course on how to improve relationships and this applies to the model world where interpersonal relationships are so important, but not often accounted for like they should be. The teachable course has been newly posted here: and although not geared directly toward models, it is a good one to take because it shows one how to act on one on one situations. Th most important  is compromise. Sure we hear about the big fashion models who font get out of bed for a million dollars, but the reality is that's not you. It probably will never be you. This is a dream that we try to attain, but you have to learn the great art of compromise. It's a fact that many fashion models eventually get divorced because compromise is not a feature in their playbook.

The 3 C's: Communication, Charisma and Compromise

We have to get along with others. The fashion industry is very social, all about connections with others and building your own name brand by communication, charisma and compromise! Before we move any further, let's look at the science behind the compromise.  Our brains are structured to be social creatures, equipped with features like mirror neurons that take into account emotion and allow us to empathize emotionally with people around us. The hormones Oxytocin (yup, this magic little nugget is the same one that helps make sex and orgasms feel so good) and serotonin associated with an ancient behavior, reflecting what scientists have called our brains’ “bias for cooperation.” In fact, studies have found that exposing people to higher levels of Oxytocin can increase humans’ willingness to cooperate — but only when we are in a social situation that suits a compromise, like when we’re with a friend or someone we feel socially connected to – or in this case, other fashion industry people. The idea where is that we need to cooperate and this goes even further back to the caveman or cave woman days when we needed to corporate fort farming, hunting and building shelter. It's important to keep this interesting piece in mind, we're witnessing evolution happen right before our eyes!

The Friendship Philosophy.

In the Teachable course linked to from above, we learn to treat our spouse like a friend. This is a new approach to marriage that we see more often in marriage counseling courses, and more importantly, in marriage preparation courses. We seem to take our spouse for granted and this also is a natural human occurrence, it's like we build up tolerance for them and don't have the same respect as say, a long lost aunt that we see once in a decade. We need to to change thinking and treat our spouse better, have more respect. The same theory applies to workmates, so if you are in an office with other models and fashion professionals, these people should always be treated like a friend. In turn, they will have respect for you and your career will go far!

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The Friendship Theory & Fashion world Go Hand in Hand The Friendship Theory & Fashion world Go Hand in Hand Reviewed by Neha Malik on January 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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