Beauty Salon Basics: 5 Ways to Prevent Thinning Hair

Having thinning hair can be a an extremely unpleasant experience. Often, people associate their hair with self-confidence. If your hair is thinning, it can sometimes make you feel less attractive. It’s an experience that most people would like to avoid. However, it does unfortunately happen. There are many steps you can take to prevent your hair from thinning. Mostly, the steps you can take to combat or prevent thinning hair depend on the cause of hair loss.


Adjusting Your Hairstyle

Many people suffer from traction alopecia. This is often caused by incorrectly wearing extensions, weaves, or tight hair styles. It is important to consult a professional stylist, such as those at Detour Salon to determine which type of extensions and weaves best suit your needs. Often, changing the type of extensions and weaves you wear can lessen the damage that occurs to your hair. Also, if you wear your hair up or in tight braids frequently, you may benefit from wearing your hair down more often.



Sometimes, thinning hair can be caused by a lack of minerals and nutrients. In this case, it is important to consult a physician. Often, people will find that taking vitamins that contain biotin will help them to combat their thinning hair.


Medical Conditions

Often, hair thinning can be contributed to a medical condition. If you suspect you have a medical condition that is affecting your hair, it is important to seek the help of a physician. Depending on the cause of hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a treatment for you.


Changing Your Diet

In conjunction to taking vitamins, many people may experience benefits regarding hair loss by changing their diets. Certain nutrients can promote hair growth such as iron, vitamin B12, and zinc. These nutrients can be found in many healthy foods. By simply incorporating more nutrients into your diet, you may find that your hair loss has lessened.


Reduce Heat Damage

Heat damage can cause your hair to break more easily. This is why it is important to either reduce the amount of heat you use on your hair or to use a heat protecting spray. It also may help if you use your styling tools on a lower heat setting to prevent damage.


Overall, there are many treatments and methods to reduce thinning hair. It is important to first determine the cause of your hair loss and then act accordingly. Also, styling your hair differently can make it less noticeable. Stylists will be able to help you to create more volumious hairstyles. For example, simply getting your hair professionally blow dried can make a world of difference.

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Beauty Salon Basics: 5 Ways to Prevent Thinning Hair Beauty Salon Basics: 5 Ways to Prevent Thinning Hair Reviewed by Neha Malik on February 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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