An Essay on Cultural Studies
An essay on culturology is a review of what has been read a literary work, a film or a play, a musical work or picture.
The volume of the essay is 5-7 pages of the standard A4 format.
Sample review plan:
1. Description of the work (author, title, year of writing), brief retelling its content or description of its features (if the work non-verbal - music, painting).
2. Immediate response to the work (tip-impression).
3. Critical analysis or complex analysis: the meaning of the name, analysis of it form and content, features of the composition, mastery of the author, his individual style, relevance of the subject matter of the work.
4. Argumented evaluation of the work and personal impressions of the author reviews.
Methodical advice
The review should be reasoned and carefully justified. The impulse to write it is the need to express your attitude towards an attempt to understand his impressions, using knowledge in the field of cultural studies - the notion of the historical epoch in which the composition; about the peculiarities of the creativity of the author of this work; about the style and genre of work. The quality of the analysis depends on the theoretical preparation of the author of the essay, its depth of understanding of the subject, the ability to analyze objectively.
What to remember when writing a review:
A detailed retelling reduces the value of the review. The key to understanding the work is, to a large extent, his
The name, which in the process of perception of the work you interpret, unraveling. The name of a good work is always multivalued, this a kind of symbol, a metaphor.
Analysis of the composition can also give a lot for understanding and interpretation. Reflections on what compositional techniques are used in work, help the referee to penetrate the author's intention. Which
parts can the work be divided? How are they located? It is important to assess the style, originality of the author of the work, to disassemble images, etc.
In the history of social thought, there were various assessments of the significance of culture for society and man. Some scientists called culture a means of ennobling a person, turning it into a worthy member of society, and the stages of the development of culture - the steps of the progressive development of mankind. Others believed that culture is evil, which serves to suppress and enslave a person. Despite various assessments of the influence of culture on people's lives, virtually all thinkers recognized that culture plays an important role in society, being a means of accumulating, storing and transferring the experience accumulated by mankind, one of the most important characteristics of the life activity of society as a whole and of the individual.
CULTUROLOGY is the science of people's spiritual culture, about the tendencies of interaction between culture and society.
A lot of factors predetermined the emergence and development of cultural science. Firstly, over the millennia of the existence of mankind, a huge "archive" of world culture has been created, over the last three centuries many scientific studies devoted to the problems of culture have been written. There was a need to understand this material with the aim of developing a holistic view of culture, its place and role in the life activity of man and society.
Secondly, the global crisis of modern civilization also highlights the problems of the culture crisis, demanding not an isolated knowledge of the culture and its tendencies presented in various humanities, but an independent science capable of prompting how to change the situation. Thirdly, each significant historical epoch, beginning with antiquity, formed its "picture of the world".
The problems of culture by the very objective course of social development have increasingly come to the fore in the implementation of social transformations, acquiring an unprecedented sharpness.
Many cultural problems have an international and even a global dimension. The present century is full of threats to culture. The problems of "mass culture", spirituality and lack of spirituality are acute. Interaction, dialogue, mutual understanding of different cultures, including relations of modern Western culture and traditional cultures of developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America are becoming increasingly important. Thus, interest in questions of the theory of culture has deep practical grounds.
No less relevant is the problem of civilization. Civilization includes a man-transformed, cultured, historical nature and means of this transformation, a person who has mastered culture and is able to live and act in the cultivated environment of his dwelling, as well as the totality of social relations as forms of social organization of culture that ensure its existence and continuation. The correct approach to the problem makes it possible to more clearly understand the nature of many global problems as contradictions of modern civilization as a whole. Pollution of the environment with production and consumption wastes, predatory attitude to natural resources, irrational nature management have created a deeply contradictory ecological situation, which has become one of the most acute global problems of civilization, and it requires the unification of efforts of all members of the world community to resolve (or at least mitigate). Far beyond the boundaries of individual social systems and acquire a global general civilization character of demographic and energy problems, the problem of providing food to the growing population of the Earth. Before all mankind there is a common goal - to preserve civilization, to ensure its own survival.
Around the meaning of the words "culture" and "civilization" are disputes, sometimes becoming acute, and rarely anyone confuses these words when the context is unambiguous, although it is sometimes quite legitimate to use them as synonyms: they are so closely intertwined. But between them there is not only a similarity, but also a difference, in some aspects reaching even to a hostile antithesis.
The variety of the objective kind of culture is determined by the diversity of human activity itself. It is very difficult to classify different types of activities, as well as the presented (objective) kind of culture.
Culture is the mode of human existence. Man, as a species there is a culture. So, he is not so cultured, that he is a man, and therefore he is a man, which is a cultural one. This means that the content of culture is the whole content of human activity.
More information about the rules of compiling an essay can be found here.
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