Which Body Part You Wash First In The Shower Reveals Your Personality

Our every action reveals a little tidbit about our soul. As absurd as it may sound, the most trivial things – from whether we prefer to cut the crusts off our sandwiches to what we choose to do immediately after we wake up – all of these announce different aspects of our personalities.

And so is the case with bathing. Over time, most of us have subconsciously settled into a routine when it comes to washing ourselves in the shower. But did you know the body part that you first reach for with that soap can actually be rather telling about your psyche?

Don’t believe us? How about a quick little test? Without scrolling down or taking a peek, try to think of your go-to body part when it comes to commencing your soaping rituals as you stand under a hot, steaming shower. Now, it’s important you be honest here for the only person you’re cheating on is yourself!

Enough small talk, let’s get to the good stuff. If you’ve thought of where you head for first while bathing, scroll down to read how it reflects on your character.

1. If You Go For The FACE First…

You are drawn toward money! You may value integrity and honor, but at the end of the day – if you’re fully honest with yourself – you prize money above all else. You’re always hustling, and your entire life revolves around earning enough to secure a comfortable future for you and your loved ones. You can also be accused of being selfish or vain at times, but you generally don’t care for public opinion.

2. If You Go For The HAIR First…

You possess an artistic nature! Your heart rules your mind, which is why you don’t always make the most logical of decisions. Money isn’t of much importance to you, and you often find yourself daydreaming. People may accuse you of being lazy, but you’re tremendously hardworking when it comes to the pursuit of your goals.

3. If You Go For The CHEST First…

You’re a pragmatist! Straightforward and always logical to a fault, you’re more cerebrally inclined. You are decisive and hate wasting time, which is why you never beat about the bush and just get to the heart of the matter. You are easily irritated if interrupted in the midst of a task and often get impatient with people who can’t grasp facts as quickly as you do.

4. If You Go For The ARMPITS First…

You are a social butterfly! You possess a very likable personality and make friends with an enviable ease. Popular but humble, you are grounded and ever willing to help those in need. You have a tendency for getting into trouble and find it difficult to decipher whether people are being genuine towards you.

5. If You Go For The SHOULDERS First…

You are somewhat of an underachiever. No matter how hard you try, it always feels as though you’re failing at life. You also don’t warm up very easily, which is why you’re generally alone. Money and power fascinate you, but you can’t commit to achieving them. Forever impatient, you always opt for momentary happiness, which comes with repercussions.

6. If You Go For The EARS First…

A keen observer, you love to people watch and are uncannily good at reading body language cues and gauging moods. You are also an enthusiastic student and are always on the quest for knowledge. However, you struggle with stubbornness and can come off as somewhat arrogant due to your inherent confidence.

7. If You Go For The GENITALS First…

You possess a shy and bashful nature. You struggle with many insecurities and usually come across as a doormat for you rarely stand up for yourself.
You don’t have several friends and don’t often reveal your emotions. Perseverance isn’t your greatest strength and you call it quits too easily. However, once you forge a relationship with someone, you’re loyal to a fault.

8. If You Go For The FEET First…

You are highly submissive. You’re infamous for giving in when the pressure gets too much, and you generally make a difficult partner. You are rigid in your ways and usually close-minded. You fail to understand creativity and don’t harbor great aspirations in life. However, you’re humble, grounded, and are difficult to lead astray from your path.

9. If You Go For The NECK First…

You are somewhat of a coward. Most of your life decisions are made out of fear rather than love. You are short tempered and hate being held accountable for your actions. A conspiracy theory enthusiast, you are also rather antisocial but get along with people when you want to.

So, when it came to your personality, were your bathing actions telling? Do let us know in the comments section below. Until then, keep bathing!

The post Which Body Part You Wash First In The Shower Reveals Your Personality appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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Which Body Part You Wash First In The Shower Reveals Your Personality Which Body Part You Wash First In The Shower Reveals Your Personality Reviewed by Neha Malik on November 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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