A Shoe Just For Comfort

There are shoes and boots for every occasion. And a recent development from a few shoe manufacturers is a particularly comfortable lightweight slip-on.

These remind me of the original comfortable carpet slipper but far more stylish. Unlike carpet slippers they are also for outdoor wear as well as in the home.

They’re not for winter weather or the wet. But just for pottering around the home and summer wear they are perfect.

Social media can be a great help in research and people that have bought these shoes are unanimous in their praise. Adesso Layla shoes and Adesso Lolly shoes seem to be footwear we should all have a couple of pairs of in the wardrobe.

Only a hundred years ago many poorer families shared shoes. This seems astonishing now, but the fact is there was no social economic care and without birth control families were large. Shoes would be passed from one child to the next as they grew out of them.

Many men bought shoes and made them last for decades. The expression tough as old boots originated about this time.

Boots and shoes were often polished and even greased, daily. They were often a man’s most expensive possession.

Today of course it’s all a lot different. Just look at statistics and surveys about footwear. Women in the UK typically have up to thirty pairs of shoes, boots and trainers in their wardrobe at any one time.

During their lives from eighteen to eighty they will get through an average of Four hundred and forty pairs.

We also find that there are far greater choices of style. Look at any photograph of Victorian men and women and they all seem to wear lace-up black leather shoes or boots. With the benefit of modern synthetic material and good old rubber, we have huge choices.

Most of us have different types of footwear for different occasions and different dress. Only an idiot would turn up at their own wedding wearing a pair of old trainers or ski-boots.

For Adesso Layla shoes and Adesso Lolly shoes http://ift.tt/2f8oDcF


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A Shoe Just For Comfort A Shoe Just For Comfort Reviewed by Neha Malik on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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