Best Advice For The Business Loans And Their Uses In Real Estate

Operating a business is not an easy task. There are multiple resources required by the business firm to survive in the market today. Every resource, be it land, people, raw material or others is acquired through one ultimate source i.e. capital. Capital is generally measured in terms of money. In other words, capital is the money invested in the business. Now, the arrangement of this money is not a convenient task. Amidst the era of scams and frauds, lenders are afraid to give loans to the borrowers. In such a case, business loans are really hard to get. One has to ensure that he/she can be trusted with the money. Until the lender has confidence in the borrower, he will not give the money. In such a scenario, what can be done by the buyer is to follow some advice that can help him/her in the process of loan approval. Some of such tips are as follows:

  1. The intent of usage of money should be clear: The intention or purpose for which one is seeking loans must not only be known but also clearly conveyed to the lenders or lending institutions. Nothing should be hidden intentionally from the seeker’s side.


  1. Prepare before meeting the lender: While asking for a loan, especially a business one, the prospective borrowers need to prepare for the meeting properly beforehand. Preparation for the meeting means all the documents must be in place such as revenue statements, tax statements, business plans (if it is a new company). If these documents are readily available, then it will help in making more informed decisions catering to specific needs. It will also help in saving the time of both parties.


  1. Fill out the application correctly: One of the most crucial steps in the process of loan approval is the application form. One must fill the application form with due diligence and care. Very small mistakes become the reason for denial of the application of genuine applications. For instance, small mistakes in abbreviations; writing Limited as Ltd when the company is registered with Limited might become a reason for the denial of the loan application.


  1. Be honest with the lender: It is very important to disclose all the relevant information to the lender. Nothing should be hidden from the lending party. Explain the expectations that are in the mind. For example, the expected loan amount, interest rate, tenure of repayment, type of loan and other specifications. Also, give information about the previous credit history. This will not help the borrower but also the lender in entrusting faith in the loan seeker.


  1. Maintain good credit history: It is also one of the key advice while seeking the loan. Good history always provides an added advantage to the seeker’s application. This is even truer in the case of unsecured loans where the loan is not backed by any collateral. In such a scenario, good credit scores such as a CIBIL score can play a convincing role in generating trust in the lending party.


  1. Explore more resources and options: One should not be dependent only on the traditional sources of funding. In this modern era, there is an increase in the pool of lenders. For example, the NBFCs are coming forward; the government launches different schemes at different points of time to ensure the increased and perpetual availability of credit.


  1. Proper maintenance of records: Maintaining proper financial documents is a key factor in getting a loan. An accountant may be hired to take care of such work. Also, in the times of technologies, an investment in good accounting or ERP software can provide a helping hand.


  1. Find the right lender: One must approach such a lender that lends to such an industry in which one is seeking initiation or expansion of the business. This will improve the chances of loan approval as that lender will have a more specific idea about the company’s needs and the purpose of the loan. In case such a lender couldn’t be found, then other lenders can be approached.


  1. To know the right type of loan: It is again important to know which type of loan will be suitable to your business needs like a secured loan or unsecured loan, term loan or credit card loans. Knowing the different type of loans available in the market can narrow down the choices, thereby, saving time and money.


Other tips can include updating the financial profile regularly on the internet, repayments of all the past loans, building and maintain good relations with the lenders, etc. can help in quick and hassle-free loan sanctioning process.


These tips can be used for seeking a loan in the real estate sector. In the Indian economy, where the real estate sector mostly shows prospects of growth, investment in real estate can turn to be a fruitful experience. In starting a real estate business, securing the capital is the most concerned step. In such a case, loans and other funding options such as real estate crowdfunding, hard money lenders (lending by a major private group) can be explored. Funds can be secured through these resources which can help one’s real estate business to flourish in the market.


To secure the funding, the above-mentioned tips can be used promptly here. There are two situations here in which the tips can be used. First is the initiating of business. In this case, a proper business plan must be prepared. The business plan must show how the property dealing will take place and the tenure of keeping each property etc. Here, a small business loan is an optimum option. One can proceed with it. Another situation is the injection of funds in an existing business for expansion. In this situation, one must clarify the reasons for which loan is going to be used. Proper documents must be kept handy to be shown whenever asked for. Also, the right kind of lending option must be used as hard money lenders which provide funds for specific needs.


All these tips are not available only for the real estate sector but can be used in any sort of business. These are the general tips that should be kept in mind while arranging the funds for business or otherwise as well. Indifi is a market leader in this space. In case of any problem, feel free to reach out to us. We will be happy to help.


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Best Advice For The Business Loans And Their Uses In Real Estate Best Advice For The Business Loans And Their Uses In Real Estate Reviewed by Neha Malik on January 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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