Clever marketing tactics for fashion show promotion

The fashion industry in itself benefits from a high level of exposure. All major fashion brands can easily reach their target audience with a simple post on social media, but when it comes to labels that have only recently entered the market, things get a bit more complicated. Regardless of what your brand designs in particular, whether it’s sportswear or street apparel, when you are trying to build a name in an already competitive industry, organizing and hosting different types of fashion shows and events are things that you are probably doing at the moment. As great as you might have imagined your future fashion event, you will need to draw people’s interest, and generate awareness around your brand, and or that to be possible, you should focus on implementing the right actions in the marketing department. A few suggestions could help you make better choices here, so look into the following recommended tactics:

Social media engagement

Start by sharing relevant posts on all of your social media accounts. Social media has become the most effective marketing channel, and you can use the popularity of platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to promote your label and all events revolving around it. Make multiple posts, create an online event that can be shared by your users and provide event information regularly. You can also find social media groups that you know will be interested in everything that has to do with fashion and engage with users there. Up your social media game, and your appeal in the industry will likely increase in a short period of time.

Design a popup stand

Think about your target audience carefully, and try to establish where the people who might show an interest in your label usually spend their free time. Then use the right promotional materials to attract their attention. Professional Popup Stands are a great choice here. Because they rely on visuals, it will be easy for you to portray your brand in an appealing manner and catch the eye of those passing by it. Let’s say you design a great popup stand and you place it one of the most popular malls in your area. This will instantly raise exposure and get people on board with what you have in store for them. Popup stands work great for fashion event advertising, and it is also a strategy that doesn’t involve a high level of effort from your part. Simply make sure you create proper visuals for the display. You can get your inspiration online.

Collaborate with the local newspaper

An ad in the newspaper might seem old fashion, but it can work better than you would have imagined. Because this type of event needs a local type of promotion mainly, newspaper ads can be the ideal solution. From providing information on how to purchase tickets, to the date, hour and location of the fashion show, include all the details necessary in your ad and publish it in a newspaper that benefits from appealing community exposure. Together with all of your other marketing strategies, this can pay off more than you would have expected.

Send out invitations

While the event might be available for anyone who wants to attend, sending out invitations to a restricted group of people will encourage these to actually see your event as an important gathering and think more about actually attending. Because you have probably expanded your network circle since first entering the market, use your already established connections to boost event awareness. By taking the time to send out invitations to individuals you would like coming to your show, you could make the entire event be far more successful. Make sure the invites are professionals and actually demand a response. You can target aspiring models, colleagues from the fashion industry, manufactures, stylists or anyone else you think will want to be present.

Create flyers

Sometimes, the simplest methods can turn out to work the best, so you should not overlook traditional marketing. Flyers are still an effective way of advertising different events in the digital era. By simply creating great flyers and distributing them in malls and commercial centres, you will be triggering interest and generating exposure around your fashion show. Functioning under e same principle as UK Popup Stands, and relying on visuals, flyers can provide you with amazing results. What you need to do here, besides obviously including all the essential information on the event is to use a representative photograph. Display one of your best outfits, and fashion lovers will inevitably want to discover more. If the flyer artwork is done by the book, you can be sure that these will work great. You can also contact beauty salons in your region and ask them to leave a few flyers there as well. Decide on the specifics of this strategy and the number of people who ill actual show up to your fashion presentation will certainly increase.

Get a social media influencer on board

If you have the possibility to work with a social media influencer who benefits from popularity in the local community. Different type of businesses increase brand awareness by collaborating with famous social media figures, and when it comes to fashion brands. the effects of this strategy are even more effective. Find someone who would be representative for your label and initiate a partnership for this future event.

These are the things you will need to look into, if you want to make out of your fashion event an absolute hit. Regardless of the current status of your fashion brand, if you pursue the right tactics on the matter, you can gain the popularity you want and put the image of your label in a good light. It’s important to choose wisely when you are developing a promotional approach, and considering the competitive nature of the industry, each one of your actions can make a difference, and should be carefully thought through.  

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Clever marketing tactics for fashion show promotion Clever marketing tactics for fashion show promotion Reviewed by Neha Malik on March 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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