Preparation of Nutritional Health Drinks

Health - The most important thing in an individual’s life which needs to be maintained carefully. As it is said “Health is equivalent to wealth, if not management properly one does not know the value until it’s lost”. Many people forget to take care of themselves because of stress. Reduction in food and drinks are observed. They are just into working day and night just for the sake of earning. A number of health drinks can keep a person on the go. Water definitely is the first priority which cannot be compromised at any cost. At least 8 glasses of water intake is mandatory to eliminate all the toxins from the human body.

Key advantages of having numerous health drinks is to prevent from ailments that affect the immune system such as headaches, indigestion, lack of oxygen so on. Purchase a good Kitchen blender and a kettle in which tempting drinks can be prepared.

Drinks are not only referred to Cold but it is prepared in hot forms as well. Below are few ideas for quick makings in short span of time.

Hot Drinks

  1. Substitutions to Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea lovers have this habitual behavior to have these items regularly not once but many times during the entire day. One can go for an alternative to change the taste buds. It can be detox with ingredients of turmeric, cinnamon powder, fresh ginger added in warm water. The hotness passing through the throat will give a sense of relief eradicating all the toxic later on. Just lemon with hot water avoids dehydration making the liver function well.   

  1. Tea Variants

Too much consumption of anything is harmful. Same is the case with tea. Change flavors such as go for cranberry tea that works best for kidney cleansing. Green Tea works best for protection from huge diseases like cancer, heart issues, digestive system etc because of the natural antioxidants. Addition is the mint tea which is considered to work well for giving relaxation to the stomach aches and cramps.

  1. Happy Mood Technique

As per research, having a piece of cake or chocolate in the morning keeps the mood alive throughout the day. Why not prepare a Hot chocolate Drink? It boosts the energy resulting into more productive work. Chance of going into depression reduces securing one from having heart diseases.

      4. Milk

Mixture of Hot Milk with turmeric, teaspoon of honey, crushed almonds and half teaspoon of sugar is very good for overcoming flu. Teeth and bones also become strong. Besides this the major benefit is calcium levels are balanced.


Cold Drinks

  1. Seasonal Fruits

Fresh fruits are more fruitful as compared to the preserved box juices. Get oranges, bananas, watermelons as per the availability according to the season. Blend them into a automatic kitchen blender. Vitamin C intake is essential for the body especially eyesight. Inflammation is fought against such fresh juices.

  1. Vegetable Beverages

Hard to eat at times right? Why not transform it into a liquid form? ABC drink – Apple + Beetroot + Carrot – what a combination! Blood purification takes place along with high protein. Simple carrot juices are good for eyes too.

  1. Berries

Crushing of original berries with bananas to create smoothies from a blender is a terrific recipe for energy revitalization. Normal cranberry juices cure gum, kidney and urinary tract infections. At least twice a week this is significant to have it.


Highlights for Healthy Drinks Pros

An overview of the above few mentioned daily basis nutritional healthy drinks has certain pros which are as bellows

  1. Loaded minerals are going into the human body such as Calcium is known for bone improvement, potassium is good for creating a strong muscle and iron is good for blood circulation.
  2. Vitamins are also differ. Drinks containing Vitamin E is basically for stress reliever, Vitamin C is for vision and most important is Vitamin B which energizes the metabolism.
  3. It is effective in dieting as well. Weight losing is not difficult. Sugar intake becomes less because of natural elements resulting into burning down the calories.

For those who are not into much variety tastings, should definitely try these for adding new items to their daily menu. There is no such thing as not trying anything for the first time. Maybe one can make and love it that it becomes a routine to continue with it for a longer period of them. If you are not a lover of juices, go for smoothies, shakes that actually give a health benefit instead of making it worst. Search for multiple recipes to prepare at home quick.

Key Note: Anything made in the blender has to be washed out thoroughly so that no particles are left out creating rusts and damaging the next drink and machine both.

Enjoy Healthy Blending!


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Preparation of Nutritional Health Drinks Preparation of Nutritional Health Drinks Reviewed by Neha Malik on February 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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