Job Transfer Request

How To Write A Job Transfer Request

There are a couple of reasons that a person may need to write a job transfer. The first is because they have spotted an open position within the company that they would like. The second is because a personal reason has necessitated the need to relocate or change a work shift.

The first thing to keep in mind, no matter which style letter you are writing, is that this letter is being written in the hopes of getting another job. While that job is within the company, you are still going to a different supervisor or director and have to explain to them why you deserve a job in their area. This is the same as any other time you are looking for a new job. You need to come across as professional and deserving of their time.

If you are looking for a job transfer for personal reasons, this may be even more important. Often people need to move to a new job or shift within a company because of a family illness or other hardship that is making their current job difficult to complete. While you need to make the change, the company may not have an opening that is right for you. Your letter will have the additional burden of convincing a higher-level boss that you are worth keeping around and that they need to create, or adjust, a position to help you.

The Open

  • You should begin your job transfer request letter with the purpose of your letter.
  • If you are looking to get a job that has been posted inside the company, this is where you will mention the job posting and that you would like to be considered for that position.
  • If you are in need of a change for personal reasons, this is where you will need to explain your situation and how it causing a difficulty with your current position. While many people like to ramble on about their problems, this should be very short and to the point. Explain your situation clearly, in as few words possible.

The Body

  • Next your job transfer request letter needs to tell the person reading it why you should be considered for the position. This is where you have to brag about yourself a bit. Discuss your time and experience with the company. Also, point out any special abilities you may have and any successes you have brought to the company in the past. If you are part of a quality assurance team and you helped find a mistake and correct it, saving the company thousands, let the person who will be reading this know about that discovery and savings.
  • If you are working towards a posted position, you are trying to let the company know how valuable you would be to that position and why they should consider you for it.
  • If you are asking for a change for personal reasons, this is the area where you will have to convince the company that you are a worthy employee and make them see that they would suffer a loss if you, and your skills, were gone.
  • While it may be tempting to write a lot about your skills and past with the company, you should not write too much. You should be able to sum all of this in one page or less. Don't fill it with so much information that the person looking at your job transfer request has to dig to find the pieces they want. You can even list your accomplishments as bullet points to speed things up.
  • At this point in your letter you may also want to add a paragraph about not wanting to put the company in an uncomfortable position at your resume objective for entry level, losing you from your current role. Offer to do whatever is necessary to train another person to take on your position, as you move to the new role within the company.
  • Throughout this letter, it is good to let the company know how much you have appreciated your time working with them, and that you have a strong loyalty to the organization.
  • Finally, offer a closing line, and sign the letter.
  • Before you pack it up and send it out, you need to read it over a few times. This job transfer request is a professional representation of you. It's important to make sure it's done properly. Read it over to make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors. Once you are sure it's your best work, send it out.

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Job Transfer Request Job Transfer Request Reviewed by Neha Malik on February 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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